[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]We’ve all been feeling the heat in the last month! How about some cool subject line stats to inspire your sending?

The daily Top 5 can be found here.

The Top 5

Subject Line CTR %
Here’s your download 85.64
Want to learn more about our Magma range of surface repair materials? 72.58
Your Download – Microlise #[CONTENT/MERGEFIELD1]# Brochure 72.29
Your guide to retirement income 69.77
Hi #[Person/FirstName]#, we just need you to confirm. 62.66


The Rest of the Month

Average Score: Trending Up

1% to 10% CTR remains the largest pot, as it has since we started measuring. However, at a whicker above half of the subject lines, it has shrunk significantly compared to June and May.

The biggest jump occurred in mid-table, with 12 subject lines earning between 41 and 50% CTR. This is the first time this year that this group has hit double figures.

One subject line broke the 80% mark (see above) in July, compared to none in June.


Average Length: Trending Up

Words: There were more 11 to 20-word subject lines in July than in June, however none had more than 20 (1 did so in June).

The average length in words for July was 7.19, up slightly from June’s 7.04


Word Length: 6- to 10-letter words remain the most popular choice, although less dominant than in June. For the second month in a row now words of 11 letters or longer appear in the data.


Characters: Both ends of the spectrum saw growth in July, with 1- to 10-character and 100+ character subject lines appearing. The most common bracket was 41 to 50 characters, ticking upwards from 31 to 40 in June.


Personalisation: Trending Down, Performing Well

The same number of subject lines employed personalisation in July as in June. However, the longer month means that this represents a very slight drop in percentage terms.

Personalised subject lines still perform better, than non-personalised. In fact, the gap has grown slightly, to 4.92 percentage points (vs. 3.33 in June).


Emojis: Trending Up, Performing Poorly

Does hotter weather make us feel more positive towards emojis? This research is not thorough enough to confidently make such a bold claim, so we will simply notice that emojis were three times more common in July than in June.

After 2 months in a row of having a positive impact, emojis were back in their familiar spot this month of making subject lines less effective. The gap is narrower than last time they fell behind in April (1.29 percentage points vs. 4.07).


Sender Name: Trending Down, Performing Badly

In another big swing from June to July, including your company name in your subject lines was a bad idea. Subject lines without the sender’s company name in performed significantly worse than those with (14.5% average CTR vs. 17.4%).

Happily, the Spotler user base seem to have already spotted this, as the percentage of subject lines with this feature declined in July.



Sales/Marketing sends made up the lowest proportion of the total so far this year, although they still accounted for just over 50%. Newsletters and Functional emails grew their share with 29% and 12% respectively. Events emails were less common, as we would expect with summer in full swing.


Sending Day

July was the first time this year that Monday-Friday outperformed the weekend in terms of average CTR (17.27% vs. 16.66%). This was largely due to Saturday being the overall worst day, also for the first time. Monday was the best-performing day overall.

Over to you!

Feeling inspired? Great, put these tips into practice and watch your CTR soar!

Still not confident? As well as predictive AI tools built into our platform, we’ve created our own subject line analyser, so you can test your subject lines before sharing with your audience. What are you waiting for?[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]