As smart marketers you’ll be well versed in the theory behind personalisation.
Tailoring your message for specific segments increases relevance. This makes your marketing more persuasive. More customers are driven to convert. Over time, your business grows.
But not every brand is using personalisation to its full potential. For many, limited resources and complex internal colloboration have slowed the adoption of personalisation beyond the basics.
If your brand is in this position, our new report is here to help.
The Email Personalisation Report 2018 is packed with industry stats and expert insights on how personalisation is being used in email marketing today.
These enable you to benchmark your brand’s email personalisation efforts.
The report provides an important springboard for conversations about email personalisation across your business. Use the report to build a business case for extra resource and new technology to advance your strategy.
If you already have the technology in place, use this report to learn how to drive more impact from personalisation.
Personalisation is a top priority
We asked 203 email marketers about how personalisation fits into their email programs. We also spoke to leading email marketing experts to provide commentary and guidance on what businesses must be doing to make the most of personalisation.
Here’s a whistle-stop tour of the findings.
Results reveal that personalisation is a top priority for nearly half of the marketers in our survey. Consumers expect personalisation from brands. We’re pleased to see that many brands recognise this.
In contrast, over half of marketers are not currently personalising or do not view personalisation as a priority. These brands risk failing to meet consumer demands in the post-GDPR marketing landscape.
Post-GDPR email marketing personalisation
The arrival of GDPR has alerted consumers to the true value of their data. They are still willing to part with personal details, but they expect something in return. Personalisation is powerful way to deliver value in return for consumer data.
The fact half of marketers are failing to personalise represents an opportunity to gain competitive advantage. Personalise now and you will get ahead of those that lag behind. An example of a brand that has used this to their advantage is Luke1977.
Luke1977’s success story
Luke1977 is a fashion brand that recognised the opportunity for growth that email personalisation offers.
Luke1977’s marketing team asked us to help them build a more personalised experience for their customers. We helped them install our personalisation platform and empowered their team to use it. They doubled their campaign revenue as a result.
Basic vs intelligent tactics
To understand the full potential personalisation has to offer, it is important to differentiate between basic and intelligent tactics.
Many marketers already deliver basic personalisation. For example, that which makes use of demographic info like first names. But this may no longer be enough to increase engagement.
Personalisation research we conducted earlier this year, found a mere 8 percent of consumers would engage with marketing that addresses them by name. In contrast, over half would engage further with relevant, personalised offers.
The biggest wins, therefore, are to be had by using intelligent personalisation. This is personalisation based on real-time behavioural data. It’s driven by machine learning and is focused on creating better customer experiences.
Intelligent personalisation ensures messaging is timely, contextually relevant, and tailored to propel the customer forward in their journey. This is how it increases conversions, builds customer loyalty, and helps your business to grow.
One expert contributor, Robin Mead at Secret Escapes, has seen the benefits of a more intelligent approach to personalisation first-hand. Implementing AI-driven personalisation brought Secret Escape a 5 percent increase in revenue.
The replacement of our previous ‘segmented’ email in favour of this new AI-based one has led to impressive results. We saw a 5% lift in revenue and a 6% lift in clicks.
– Robin Mead, Head of Mar Tech at Secret Escapes
Spurring business change
Perhaps you already have the technology in place to replicate these tactics, but are yet to adopt its features. We can relate. But we’d urge you to use this report to spur change in your business.
As technology advances to enable more sophisticated automated campaigns, now is the time to master the art and the science of personalisation. Your first step is to benchmark your efforts and build a business case for increased resources. Use our report to add legitimacy to your stance.